In 2019-2020 I had different experiences as a photographer and a model for a music video that enriched my knowledge and horizons towards media. Being both behind the camera and in front of the camera, I could see the process from both views which helped me in my photoshoots and my filming experience. Bellow, I will present my experiences and how this helped me and gave me a huge advantage in the process of creating my final music video. Also, I will express what I applied from the knowledge gathered from these experiences.
1. I was the photographer at an International summit organised by my school: International Youth Summit of Transylvania. Here I experienced the life of a photographer, I was going in all the trips organised by the summit wherever in the country they were going, I was going. I traveled in many towns from Romania with them: Brasov, Sibiu, Sighisoara, etc. My job was to capture the delegates from all over the world ( the participants of the summit) in each event and to catch the best moments and memories in photos, so they can last forever. It was my first official experience as a photographer and it thought me to be subtle while doing my work, trying to not disturb the event but at the same time not to avoid being bold taking photos from the scene for example or ask the participants if they want any specific photos with somebody.
I loved it as I was traveling for free while doing what I like: accumulating and making moments last through photos. Moreover, I learned more about my camera and it's settings: how to sett my ISO-the light sensitivity, how to set my aperture to create different exposure levels, getting more comfortable with changing them and recognizing the effects that different combinations affect the final image.
Below you can see some o the photos: ( in total they were approx 3000)
2. I did a photoshoot to the members of an HR company: Step-Up and I edited the photos. I did photos to each member in different locations and also team photos. It was a great experience that helped me understand how is to work with models and give them indications about how to pose and to look more natural. Some of them were shy in front of the camera and I had to create a relaxed and nice atmosphere. I also put music on the background, making them feel comfortable and natural. I get to know better each model style and to try to represent it in the photos. I also gave them indications about what colors fitt them better and I helped them to choose the right outfit both business and casual. I further used my experience acquired from this in my final project, where I was more comfortable to give indications to the models and allowed me to choose the proper styles and outfits in order to create the appropriate atmosphere and to transmit exactly what I and my team wanted to through our media product.
Below you can see some of the final results:
3. I was a model in a music video. I was playing a role in which I had to be another person. The video was made on the song San Francisco by Scott McKanzi and we had to represent the hippie period and style. Bogdan Fanariu was the director and Step-Up was the sponsor. For the filming, we traveled to Arad and stayed 3 days there, in a very isolated area. As I usually dress in a more hippie style I was the one deciding the outfits for each of us and gave them most of the clothes from my garderobe. This project showed me how it is to be on the front of the camera and what are the challenges in being a model. I observed that the atmosphere that the one how its filming is essential for the models and their performing. Bogdan Fanariu was filming and I learned a lot from him how to coordinate a project like this and how to organise the models. This gave me a lot of confidence and gave me a huge advantage when I organised and film the music video. I observed that the relation between the one that is filming and the characters can influence a lot the flow of the project and how natural and real it seems.
Below you can view the video: