Initially, I was thinking to name my magazine " Contrast" or "Complementary", but I decided that "Same" is the most appropriate option because it directly reflects the strong and deep massage tat I wanted to reflect, meanwhile, makes the audience to further think about it's connotation.
"Same", in relation with my magazine, reflect the meaning of communion and unity that I want to transmit, creating an obvious complexity between the masthead and the cover.
I planned to use one of the hand- written drafts and then scan it in order to vectorise it and to do the changes that will be necessary.
~some drafts that I worked on until now~
Regarding the colors of the masthead, initially I was thinking about a neutral pallet of colors such as black or white, but when I created digitally, it didn't convinced me and then, I decided based on the image of the cover that a bright blue will better attract the attention of the audience, meanwhile, transmitting a friendly and familiar feeling.
I find it simple and rich in meanings in the "Same" time.
I chose the color blue, because represents both the sky and the sea- making a connection with the genre of the magazine, meanwhile it is associated with freedom, expressiveness and sensibility.
This color, also transmit a friendly felling, and induce a naturalistic setting, which I want to estbish between the magazine and the audience.
The main idea regarding the cover for "Same" was based on the impact and the intrigue that I wanted to transmit. My initially idea was to construct a face from 4 different people from different cultures, that together with the masthead transmit that we are all different in our own sens of being, but, we are also the same.
But as I was in the process another idea came into my mind. Then I had to change my cover a bit, as I was already working at the process . My idea was to split the page in 3 parts: one half of the page to represent a person and the other part of the page to be devised into 2 other people that together construct half of a face. It came into my mind because I was traveled in 3 continents, so a person is a representant for each continent that I was explore it. Also this version transmit better the idea that we all have our own and unique part, but we are still the same.
The hole meaningful is concentrated in a quote: " Opposites are not contradictory but complementary"- Niels Bohr.
In order to create a direct connection between the picture and the readers I chose photos in which the models were looking directly to the audience. The cover strongly represents the culture genre and in the combination with the masthead creates a deep and a connotation full of impact.
The design of the contents diverts from the normal conventions of cultural magazines genre. Although, conventional through some perspectives of the essential elements.
For the table of contents I had a very clear idea, but through the process, I made little modifications . But, a clear representation of my objectives and ideas that I had in mind, helped me a lot.
The double spread represents the introduction of the first article : "Archetype"which discuss about how we all perceive the world in different perspectives and how we interpret it in our own way.
I wanted the focus of the page to be on the eye of the model through which is transmitted a depth feeling of intrigue and misery.
In the final version I decided to address some questions to the audience in order to ask themselves and to reflect to the answers of them. I decided ti use this strategy in order to increase the readers curiosity about how the magazine further develop these concept of " seeing the world through our own eyes".